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For Students in Higher Education

Our assessments and reports are provided in accordance with the SpLD working group and DfES guidelines.  Assessment are provide by experienced specialist Psychologists registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). We provide full recommendations for adjustments and reports are suitable for DSA applications.


Diagnostic Assessments for Students

Diagnostic assessments are designed to identify the underlying pattern of strengths and any dyslexia related weaknesse.  The assessment may indicate dyslexia or another specific learning difficulty such as dyspraxia or attention deficits, or that no specific learning difficulty is present.  On the day of assessment you will receive full feedback on the nature of the findings and the psychologist will take time to answer your questions or concerns. Recommendations will be provided in a full written report and these ensure that students get the appropriate support whilst studying.  This may include:

Special Examination Access Arrangements – provision of extra time, reader, scribe or modified examinations papers or changes to exam format .

Equipment and Aids – digital recorder, personal organiser, laptop

Specialist support – tuition for literacy, study skills, note taker, help with planning and organisation

Universities will have a learning support advisor and they will tell you how to apply for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) which can assist with costs . For more information contact WWW.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowance-dsas.  




Student assessments price is £495.00