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Dyslexia and Disability Discrimination

Dyslexia was recognised under the Disability Discrimination Act in 1995 an is still specifically mentioned in the Equality Act (2010). This means that educational and workplace settings have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that those affected by dyslexia are not disadvantaged.   

Tribunal reports

We provide specialist reports to support people with dyslexia who have experienced difficulties at work leading to legal action. We also provide reports for employers relating to dyslexia and reasonable adjustments.  Katherine D’Arcy Brown has over 15 years experience of working with employers and employees and preparing reports and presenting evidence in legal settings.  She has personal recommendations from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services, the Medical Defence Unit and Chief Medical Office at DWP.  

Dyslexia and access to work grants

Access to work grants can cover, or go towards a range of practical solutions to problems faced by people with disabilities or dyslexia. This may mean

  • Adaptions to equipment
  • Specialist equipment
  • A support worker or job coach
  • Disability awareness training

For more information about Access to Work visit www.gov.uk/access to work. .